1- Propose

A Rueda or Cantante Team is an appropriate setting for the preparation of cantantes. It should be a private, exclusive group … not a public, “open to anyone” group, and certainly not drop-in. The group should plan to meet regularly for several months in order to dig deeply into the curriculum outlined in this website.

The first step is to reach out to dancers who might be interested in learning to call Rueda. Propose a time and place for practice. Recommended minimum would be 6 cantantes but aim for at least 8 dancers in order to practice calling 4-couple Ruedas. (The majority of the videos on this website are 4-couple.) So that absences won’t hinder the calling practice, one option is to propose a group of 10 dancers. More than 10 would be too many.


  • Commitment to attendance and active participation are more crucial than demonstrated dance talent or prior experience calling.
  • Gender is irrelevant: all dancers should practice both leading and following.