About Us

Our vision is to teach and share the joy of Rueda de Casino (Rueda), which is a style of Cuban dance. Rueda is a group dance involving the changing of partners while dancing to Cuban and other salsa music. We have created and grown a diverse and inclusive community which aims to welcome everyone to join us in dance.

Boston Rueda started in the early 2000s by dancers in the Boston area who were interested in dancing together, learning new moves, practicing, performing, etc.

José Barretto organized and taught Boston Rueda for many years – thank you José! Although José has retired, our group is keeping the Boston Rueda spirit alive with teaching and dancing Rueda. (José’s super-useful site for Rueda callers can be found here.)

Our team:

Ellie Botshon

Ellie got hooked on dancing salsa while living in Costa Rica in 1992 and has never looked back. In 2010 she saw people dancing rueda in Cambridge and loved the energy and vibe of this community-focused dance – and equally loved the “no partner needed” rule! Ellie is happy to follow and is learning how to lead. Outside of Rueda, Ellie is a full time Realtor, dog aficionado (and dog foster), hike enthusiast, and food explorer.

Tal Reichert

Originally from Israel, Tal started dancing Salsa in 2006. He discovered Rueda and subsequently joined Boston Rueda in 2007. He enjoys teaching, leading, following and calling (not necessarily in that order). Other than dancing Rueda, professionally Tal is both a software engineer and a pilot, who in his spare time enjoys photography and Shotokan Karate.

Diana Ruiz

Diana Ruiz is a Cuban dance instructor who lives in Cambridge, MA. She was born and grew up in Mexico City, and moved to Boston in 2009 to study International Business at Northeastern University. Diana discovered and fell in love with Rueda de Casino back in 2013 when MIT Casino Rueda was teaching free lessons at Havana Club in Cambridge. Soon after, she started teaching and choreographing with the group. In 2017, she started her own performance group called Despelote. After taking a break to finish grad school and waiting out the pandemic, she is excited to be back teaching again with Boston Rueda!

Chris Turner

Chris started dancing Salsa with Masacote in 2008, as well as bachata and merengue. Later, Chris unexpectedly stumbled upon Rueda at a Salsa social and was hooked. Chris has performed in Salsa, Bachata, Rueda, Casino, Son, Tango, and Cha-Cha-Cha. 

Chris is a founding member of the monthly Guateque Cubano social, and works as a software quality engineer at Bose.

Cathy Young

Cathy started dancing Rueda about 10 years ago and quickly developed a deep appreciation and love of Cuban music as well as dancing Casino and Rueda. She took private lessons in Casino from several professional Cuban dance instructors, including DC Casineros, over the past 10 years to learn to dance Casino and how to teach it. Cathy has also participated in numerous Rueda festivals and received advanced instruction from professional Rueda teachers across Europe, Canada and the U.S. and is excited to be back at Boston Rueda. 

Cathy currently works at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.