Imagine a Rueda in which every other couple has a different orientation: half are facing out (pa’fuera) and half are facing in.

The result has a number of possibilities for interesting and challenging combinations. José Barretto of Boston Rueda and Sassan Ito of Rueda de Casino Berlin created a great variety of calls for this structure.
2018: Carlton Thomas of Cuban Vibes, London, calls several standard partner-changing calls in the Rueda Mixta structure.
Jaro Hluch of Slovakia demonstrates the concept:
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In this 2016 video, Jaro and the dancers of Ruedón Bratislava include several of their longer sequences (Banquito Echo & Festival de Sombrero) in Rueda Mixta format. It takes some tweaking but they meet the challenge.

song = Conmigo No by Timbalive
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At the 2019 Rueda Vacation in Playa del Carmen, Sassan called this 4-couple demo of Rueda Mixta that included the “Exhíbela con Carne” / “Exhíbela con Tofu” call.
song = Lo Que Quieras by Orquesta Bareo
Sassan Ito created “splits” for Rueda Mixta. Carlton and the Cuban Vibes dancers demonstrate this concept:
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